Science Odyssey has come to an end.

Please note that the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is no longer in a position to lead and administer Science Odyssey. Therefore, the Science Odyssey 2023 edition was the last of this initiative under NSERC.

Thank you to all the science promotion and outreach champions from across Canada who have made this celebration possible and have contributed to nurturing Canada’s science culture!


Science Odyssey is a national campaign that celebrates Canadian achievements in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, featuring fun and inspiring experiences in museums, research centres, laboratories and classrooms from coast to coast. Every year, hundreds of science outreach leaders deliver fun, engaging and inspiring activities to Canadians of all ages.

Powered by NSERC, Science Odyssey demonstrates how discoveries and innovations shape our daily lives and foster a strong science culture in Canada.

In 2023, Canadians enjoyed close to 700 virtual and in-person events hosted by 300 partners!

Partners list

Learn about the hundreds of organizations that contributed to the fun and excitement of Science Odyssey each year.

Look at our partners