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Join us, May 24-27, 2022

CASC 2022: ACTION TO IMPACT is a four-day virtual conference, presented by the Canadian Association of Science Centres. In a time of disruption, with organizations facing limited resources, the CASC 2022 conference will examine actions for driving courageous change and creating generational impact.

Our theme for this year’s conference is ACTION TO IMPACT.

Science engagement organizations have long been catalysts for action in advancing science communication and literacy across Canada. These science centres, museums, and outreach organizations are where the rubber hits the pavement and theory is put into practice.

The need for meaningful impact has never been so great in the face of climate crisis, reconciliation, systemic inequity and racism, science misinformation, and globally in addressing the UN sustainable development goals. The work requires sustained effort. The CASC 2022:  ACTION TO IMPACT virtual conference will explore the following sub-themes:

  • Uprooting Inequity: Mobilizing change for systemic impact 
  • Collaboration in Action: Locally, regionally, nationally
  • Impact Evaluation: Methods and Strategies 
  • Organizational Capacity: Evolution and Revolution

Subscribe to the CASC Newsletter for registration and conference updates.


Regular registration runs through to May 27, 2022

CASC Members

Individual Before registering, ensure that your organization has not purchased a group registration. Check with your manager for the code.

$120.00 CAD
Student/Recent Graduate Before registering, ensure that your organization has not purchased a group registration. Check with your manager for the code.$45.00 CAD
Science Centre/Museum & Affiliate (10 people or less) A CODE WILL BE EMAILED (allow 48 hours) TO YOU TO SHARE WITH YOUR STAFF

$650.00 CAD
Science Centre/Museum & Affiliate (unlimited)  A CODE WILL BE EMAILED (allow 48 hours) TO YOU TO SHARE WITH YOUR STAFF$975.00 CAD

*NOTE: Registration fees include full day program for May 25, 26 and 27, 2022.  The workshops on May 24 and May 27, 2022 have unique registrations.

General (non-members)


$165.00 CAD
Student/Recent Graduate$50.00 CAD

*NOTE: Registration fees include full day program for May 25-26, 2022.  The workshops (TBA) on May 24 and May 27, 2022 will have unique registrations.

While we know everyone will do their part to make this event sustainable, please reach out to us at for support if financial barriers exist.


Subject to change. Full details coming. Check back soon!


12:00 PM ET Pre-Conference Workshop

  • Indigenous in Science Communication and STE(A)M Spaces

2:30 PM ET Pre-Conference Workshop

  • Anti-racism in the Workplace*

12:00 PM ET Opening Smudging Ceremony by Lynn Lush

  • Lynn Lush is the Land-Based Navigator/Knowledge Keeper at TELUS World of Science – Edmonton *

12:20 PM ET Opening Keynote

  • Communicating Climate Science in times of Polarization, Distrust, and Disinformation*

1:10 PM ET Concurrent Sessions (2)

  • Future Opportunities in Space: Moon Exploration & 2024 Solar Eclipse
  • Through an Indigenous Lens: Support & Advocacy of Science Centres/Museums through Indigenous Advisory Committees

2: 40 PM ET Concurrent Sessions (2)

  • Building an inclusive hiring process: recruitment, hiring and retention*
  • Inquiry-based Learning: What’s Next?

12: 10 PM ET Plenary Panel

  • Equitable STEM Engagement in the Digital Era*

1:10 PM ET Concurrent Sessions (2)

  • Strategies for Expanding Science Centre/Museum Impact Evaluation Capacity Through Postsecondary
  • Viruses, Vaccines, and Variants: Educating Communities with Confidence*

2: 40 PM ET Concurrent Sessions (2)

  • Breaking down barriers and engaging children with disabilities in STEM*
  • Tackling misinformation: lessons learned from COVID

12:00 PM ET CASC Member ONLY Workshop

  • Build Your Personal Resilience