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Since 2003, the annual CASCADE Awards recognize the outstanding people and institutions from across the CASC community. Recipients of these awards demonstrate leadership, innovation, and impact in making science approachable, relevant, and accessible.

The 2025 CASCADE Awards will take place at this year’s CASC Conference in St John’s, on Thursday June 12, 2025. The highly anticipated CASCADE awards recognize individual CASC members and member organizations for the contributions they’ve made to Canada’s thriving science and innovation culture. 

Individual CASCADE Awards

Individual CASCADE Awards are adjudicated by the CASC Board of Directors. The nominee can be an employee or a volunteer of a CASC Organization or Affiliate member.

There are three Individual Awards to be nominated for, and all award recipients will become Honorary Lifetime Members of CASC.

Emerging Professional 

Awarded to a creative, effective, inspiring individual emerging as a leader and/or innovator in the Canadian science centre and museum community. The Emerging Professional is producing results and making an impact on their CASC member institution, stakeholders, and/or audience. The Emerging Professional has achieved notable success within five years or less in the sector. 

This leadership or innovation can be expressed through exhibitions, education, fundraising, visitor service, community involvement, or other key activities that lead to success for the science centre. The work of the Emerging Professional is having a demonstrable effect now and shows great promise for the foreseeable future.

  • An inspiring leader and/or innovator with the current staff and visitors at their institution.
  • Produces results and makes an impact on their institution, stakeholders, and/or audience.
  • Demonstrates the potential to inspire and nurture creative thinking.
  • Has effect now and shows great promise for the foreseeable future.
  • A completed application form.
  • Supporting documents as appropriate (visual or other e.g., publications, web links, program/project summary, etc.).
  • At least three (3) letters of support for the application (at least one letter from a senior leader from within their institution).
  • Maximum ten (10) page limit for all supporting documents (not including application form).
  • Inspires the current staff and visitors at their institution.
  • Applies new ideas and/or enhances best practices in making science approachable, relevant, and accessible.
  • Demonstrates the potential to inspire and nurture creative thinking.
  • Builds relationships for his or her institution within the community.
  • A completed application form.
  • Supporting documents as appropriate (visual or other e.g., publications, web links, program/project summary, etc.).
  • At least three (3) letters of support for the application (at least one letter from a senior leader from within their institution).
  • Maximum ten (10) page limit for all supporting documents (not including application form).

Outstanding Career Achievement

Awarded to an inspirational thought leader who has made significant long-term contributions to the Canadian STEM sector during their 15+ year tenure and is deeply committed to building a thriving science and innovation culture of engaged citizens in Canada.

Note: This individual may already be retired from or currently working within the sector.

It is preferred that one person be selected annually to receive this award. If more than one nominee meets the criteria, the judges may select more than one recipient.  

  • Contributes to the leadership of one or more CASC member institutions.
  • Makes an exceptional and ongoing contribution to the development of the Canadian STEM community. This might include serving on industry associations or committees, conference presentations, or cross-sectoral collaboration.
  • Engages a broader audience in science and innovation through activities like published work, organized science events, public speaking, science communication for a wide audience, or other activities that further the broad goals of the informal science sector.
  • A completed application form.
  • A complete curriculum vitae or equivalent.
  • Supporting documents as appropriate (visual or other e.g., publications, web links, documents).
  • At least three (3) letters of support for the application.
  • Maximum ten (10) page limit for all supporting documents (not including application form).

Institutional CASCADE Awards

Institutional CASCADE Awards are categorized according to the overall cost of the project.

  • Category 1: $1M and over                                                                                                                         
  • Category 2: $250,000 to $1 million
  • Category 3: $50,000 to $250,000
  • Category 4: $50,000 and under 

Note: Each institution can only apply for up to two (2) categories each year.

Past Recipients:

2023 2022 2021 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010

  • The project was led and completed by a CASC Member Institution
  • The project has taken place in the last five years
  • The project has not previously received a CASCADE award
  • The project was/is delivered in Canada
  • Temporary or travelling exhibition
  • New permanent exhibition/gallery
  • Improvement of a permanent exhibition/gallery (at least 60%)
  • Multimedia, live presentation or planetarium show
  • Public engagement programs – onsite or outreach educational, interpretive, or public programs, such as school visits, camps, festivals, outreach, weekend events, etc.
  • How does the project make science approachable, relevant, and accessible?
  • How does the project demonstrate innovation and creativity?
  • What was the impact of the project?
  • Describe how diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility (DIEA) strategies were incorporated and measured in the planning and execution of the project?

The information must be submitted into the form. We suggest drafting responses in a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then copying responses into the survey. The survey must be completed all at once. You will be unable to save it and return to it at a later time to complete it.

Submit a Nomination