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Making a difference

Our members are doing incredible things across the country. Take a look at some of the highlights of their impact below. 

  • Latest News from CASC: AGM Next Week & New CASCADE Awards!

    THANK YOU! The CASC Board of Directors and staff would like to thank you for attending our first ever virtual conference. We set a record with 373 registrations! Over the course of three days, 29 speakers shared their wisdom during 3 live keynote/plenary panels and 9 pre-recorded sessions with live Q&A segments. We connected with…

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  • Latest News from CASC: Full schedule and registration details for NEXT WEEK’S CONFERENCE!

    The Annual Canadian Association of Science Centres conference is less than a week away! We look forward to connecting with our national network virtually from June 1-3, 2021.  View Full Newsletter.

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  • Latest News from CASC: Inspiring Youth to Climate Action

    CASC is a platform to share information and build capacity for its members and sector. We are excited to partner with the Discovery Centre, Science North and The Exploration Place to deliver “Inspiring Youth to Climate Action”! This new program funded by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada. View Full Newsletter.

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  • In Memory: Carol Johnston (1931 – 2021)

    Dear Friend of the London Children’s Museum, It is with heavy hearts that the London Children’s Museum shares the loss of our best friend and founder, Carol Johnston, at 89 years young. The London Children’s Museum was established in 1975, as Carol was transitioning from being a mother of five to studying at Western University’s…

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  • Invitation to Participate in Research on Inclusion in Informal Education Centres

    London Children’s Museum is currently working with a group of PhD students at Western University to support their research project on inclusion in informal learning environments.  Here is more information about the study: Hello, My name is Nicole Neil and I am an assistant professor at the University of Western Ontario. I have received your email address…

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  • CASC 2021: Future Imperfect > Call for Learning Session Speakers > DEADLINE April 15, 2021

    Join us, June 1-3, 2021, for our first-ever VIRTUAL CONFERENCE! We want you! With your experience and expertise, we can jointly develop an innovative virtual conference experience. We are now looking for people to share their case studies, ideas, and innovations with colleagues from coast to coast to coast. No travel will be required to…

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  • The country’s largest youth STEM outreach and promotional event is going virtual!

    As part of the weeklong 2021 Virtual Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), STEM Expo enables visiting students and teachers (grades 5-11) to explore STEM exhibits.  It is free for all visitors and will take place May 19-21 from 12:00 noon to 3:00pm. We are creating a virtual STEM immersion experience unlike any other and we invite museums and science centres…

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  • Latest News from CASC: New Opportunities

    March 18, 2021 CASC is a platform to share information and build capacity for its members and sector. We are excited to share several federal government grant opportunities uniquely suited to our sector! Over the past year CASC has advocated for new funding programs to support science centres and museums and we’re thrilled to see…

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  • News from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA)

    The CSA is happy to announce the publication of their first Announcement of Opportunity (AO) to invest in the development, the delivery and the promotion of activities that engage Canadian youth in space-related initiatives. The grants provided through this AO will support initiatives relating to STEM and the Moon that contribute to increased awareness, knowledge…

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