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Pacific Museum of Earth

The Pacific Museum of Earth at the University of British Columbia took part in the Vancouver School Board Sustainability Connection (VSBSC) 2024 conference on April 22, Earth Day. They will be presenting Climate Hero, an interactive game that empowers middle school students to become informed and active participants in the fight against climate change.

Climate Hero was developed in collaboration with Steamlabs (another CASC member), and leverages the ethical use of AI and science and technology literacy to create an immersive learning experience for players. With the support of ECO Schools Canada, they are maximizing the game’s reach and impact across Canada, instilling in students the importance of community and global citizenship in the fight against climate change.

The game has been crafted to appeal to students in grades 5-9, a group characterized by their budding curiosity and an emerging sense of social responsibility. Climate Hero‘s narrative propels players 40 years into the future, showing them the stark consequences of inaction on climate change. It then equips them with the knowledge and tools to make impactful changes in the present day, through a series of interactive challenges that cover a spectrum from personal choices to broader community and policy actions.

At VSBSC 2024, they demonstrated the game and facilitated a debrief session similar to those provided to educators, emphasizing the game’s balanced approach to teaching about the climate crisis. They aim to demonstrate how the game encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative solutions, reflecting our belief that collective action is paramount in addressing environmental issues.