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The Canadian Association of Science Centers (CASC) celebrated their Annual CASCADE Awards on Thursday, May 9, 2024. Since 2003 the annual CASCADE Awards have recognized the outstanding people and institutions from across the CASC community that are demonstrating leadership, innovation, and impact in making science approachable, relevant, and accessible.

Over 150 CASC members and supporters attended this year’s awards ceremony which took place in Regina, Saskatchewan during the annual CASC Conference.

Congratulations to the following 2024 CASCADE Awards Recipients:


Individual CASCADE Awards are adjudicated by the CASC Board of Directors. All award recipients will become honorary lifetime members of CASC. The nominee can be an employee or a volunteer of a CASC Science Centre, Museum or Affiliate member.

  • Emerging Professional: Renata Brandt (Science North) and Dave Loos (Saskatchewan Science Centre)
  • Exceptional Project/Program Leadership: Jennifer Gemmel (TELUS World of Science Edmonton)
  • Outstanding Career: Donna Kipta (TELUS Spark)


Open to all CASC Science Centre, Museum and Affiliate Members, the Institutional CASCADE Awards are categorized according to the overall cost of the project. The Project must have taken place in the last 5 years and has not previously received a CASCADE award for the project. Institutional awards are adjudicated by the CASCADE Awards Jury.

Category 1: $1M + 

Science World: Creative Technology Gallery 

Science World’s Creative Technology Gallery was opened in September 2023 as the institution’s first interactive and immersive digital gallery. At the core of the gallery’s mission is the belief that creative technology can be a career path and a form of expression

accessible to everyone. The gallery embodies innovation and accessibility, providing a platform to explore the diverse and innovative world of creative technology through connections to the local community. The visitor experience features intuitive interactivity and

immersion that fosters creativity, play, and discovery in an accessible setting. Through the narrative journey of Dream, Build, Play, visitors experience a vibrant fusion of science, art, and technology via interactive stations and immersive environments. Visitors are

empowered and encouraged to shape a better world through telling their own stories.

Category 2: $250k – $1M

Science North: Mine Evolution Digital Game 

Mine Evolution is a new digital game created by Science North, in collaboration with the Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), as well as Wahnapitae First Nation, to make the science behind modern mining and critical minerals more approachable, relevant and accessible for large and diverse audiences.

The game’s fun and innovative mission is to build Canada’s green future through modern mining. Players collect Earth’s treasures across Canada to unlock new technology and build the ultimate modern mine in an open map. Avatars and real life professionals from diverse backgrounds showcase inclusive participation in the industry. As mining continues to evolve, this exciting and interactive digital game ensures the next generation is inspired by the essential role the industry has in building a greener and more sustainable


Category 3: $50k – $250k

Discovery Centre: Trusted Voices

In 2019, The World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 global threats to health. This, along with a global pandemic and the rise of fake news, inspired the WhyImmunize? initiative. The goal of WhyImmunize? is to empower learners of all ages to consider why immunization is both a right and a responsibility, helping them focus their critical lens in an age of information overload. provides educators and guardians with free, bilingual activities and FAQs suitable for homes and classrooms that aim to make immunology and vaccinology fun, engaging, and accessible.

Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Immunization Partnership Fund, Trusted Voices is an initiative by Discovery Centre’s WhyImmunize? team designed to promote vaccine confidence in Nova Scotian communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with Africville Museum, the Health Association of African Canadians, and Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey Schools, we co-created and delivered resources and activities about vaccines for the African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaq communities.

Category 4: <$50k

Saskatchewan Science Centre: Covalent Bonding Event

The Saskatchewan Science Centre took its traditional Adult Science Nights, events that provide fun and engaging ways for adults to explore science, to the next level. To provide programming that is relevant, while ensuring that the offerings were also inclusive, the SSC hosted Covalent Bonding: An Adult Science Night on February 14th, 2023.

In chemistry covalent bonding is the interatomic linkage that results from the sharing of an electron pair between two atoms. The binding arises from the electrostatic attraction of their nuclei for the same electrons.For the SSC team, covalent bonding meant the coming together of people. When a group of people is accepting of one another, it fosters an environment of inclusivity and respect, which can lead to better communication and collaboration. A positive and supportive culture leads to improved well-being and greater success for everyone.

The host for the event was two-Spirit Dene First Nations multidisciplinary artist Chelazon Leroux from Canada’s Drag Race who uses their Indigenous identity as the foundation for their creative works which include Drag, stand-up comedy, and social media content creation. The event included a variety of partners, science-themed activities, and local drag queens to ensure an enjoyable evening.