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CASC COVID-19 Update: Recovery and Reopening Plans

CASC continues to advocate for the science centre and science museum sector. We are committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date information to help organizations navigate this difficult time.


> Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations.

  • The $500 million Emergency Support Fund is an additional temporary relief measure created to help alleviate the financial pressures of cultural, heritage and sport organizations facing significant losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Fund will help maintain jobs and support business continuity for organizations whose viability has been negatively impacted.

Learn more

> Government extends the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

Business affected by COVID-19, may be eligible for a subsidy of 75% of employee wages for up to 24 weeks, retroactive from March 15, 2020, to August 29, 2020. More information about the announced CEWS extension to August 29.

> Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) COVID-19: $962 million additional support fund now available to businesses and communities affected by the pandemic.

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, announced that the RRRF is now accepting applications from businesses and communities. It is specifically targeted toward those that may require additional help to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic but have been unable to access existing support measures

The funding will be allocated as follows:

The funding announced is part of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, which commits more than $149 billion to support Canadians and businesses through this difficult time.

> Emergency Community Support Fund

The Government of Canada has invested $350 million to improve the ability of community organizations to serve vulnerable Canadians during the COVID-19 crisis. As of May 19, 2020 community-based organizations from across the country will be able to apply for funding to support a variety of activities that address a pressing social inclusion or well-being need caused by COVID-19.

> Opening of program to protect jobs and help business

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced yesterday that application documents and updated criteria for Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses are now available, and that the program will be opened for applications beginning on May 25.

> Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

Details on support for individuals and businesses.

> Travel and Tourism Updates

The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) continues to monitor and provide daily updates on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, including the steps government is taking to address the situation. Please find the latest updates on official announcements and a recap of TIAC’s advocacy work on behalf of Canada’s Tourism Sector here.


> COVID-19 Tourism Workforce Recovery Toolkit

Tourism HR Canada have launched a new Recovery Toolkit initiative for the Canadian tourism sector. Please find more information visit and

> Canadian Business Resilience Network (CBRN) Reopening Toolkit

This toolkit prepared by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Canadian Business Resilience Network is designed to provide guidance, or access to guidance, for business owners and senior managers responsible for re-establishing their operations while ensuring the health and safety of operators, staff, customers and the general public is at the forefront.

> Looking Ahead – COVID-19 Recovery

Several provinces have begun announcing plans for reopening economies. Timelines and actions vary.

> Guidelines to Reopening

For organizations looking for information on how to prepare to safely reopen their operations in the coming weeks, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a series of bilingual guidelines available to businesses regarding COVID-19.


> 2020 Virtual CASCADE Awards – Register by May 25, 2020

On Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 7 PM ET, join us online with colleagues, friends and family for our 2020 CASCADE Award.

View the 2020 CASCADE Award Finalists

Here’s the program!

  • Intro from the Master of Ceremonies
  • Welcome remarks from CASC
  • Greetings from Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada
  • Encouragement and Inspiration from Col. Chris Hadfield
  • Remarks from Dr. Alejandro Adem, NSERC President
  • 2020 CASCADE Awards Ceremony
  • LIVE: Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions
  • Last words from the Master of Ceremonies
  • Stay online for a LIVE musical performance by award-winning artist Paul Lamb (The 2019 CASCADE Awards Banquet musical guest.)

SIX engaging Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions to choose from!

  • Ethics of AI
  • Future of Medicine
  • Meet an Animal Ambassador
  • Science of Going Viral (Online)
  • What’s Next for Space Exploration?
  • Freestyle Socials: A silly debate for serious problems.

Learn more about the AMA sessions here.

FREE for All CASC Members!

A promo CODE to register has been shared with you by your organization’s CASC Membership Bundle Administrator*. If you haven’t received a code, send an email to See listing of CASC members here.

*Honorary Members who have not received a code please contact Tina at

Registration for non-members and the public: $20

> Video Discussion Groups

Topic: Sharing Summer Camp Strategies

Friday, May 22, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (Canada)

CASC member organizations are exploring how they will move forward with the reopening of their institutions.

  • Has your institution made a decision on how they will plan for Summer Camps?
  • What are some of the reopening strategies you are hearing about?

Chat schedule update: We are moving to BI-WEEKLY Chats! This Chat will replace the usual Friday Supporting Teachers/School Closures Chat. Open to all CASC members. Contact if you would like to be included in the invitation list.

Topic: Part II Reopening Plans – Focus on Engaging Visitors without Interactives

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 2:00 PM Eastern Time (Canada)

An opportunity for Senior Leaders and Executive Team members from CASC Science Centre and Museum members to share 1-2 of best ideas to engage visitors without interactives. The goal: Take-away – a compiled document of concrete ideas shared by members. An invitation will be sent via email. Please contact if you did not receive an invitation and would like to join.

Topic: CASC CEO Discussion

Friday, June 5, 2020 2:00 PM Eastern Time (Canada)

CASC will continue coordinating a “CASC COVID-19 Response Discussion” for CASC Member CEOs and Executive Directors to address advocacy efforts, re-opening issues, long-term plans, etc. Invitations are sent via email. Please contact if you did not receive an invitation and would like to join.

As we all continue to navigate this rapidly-evolving global situation, CASC is here to help, support, and connect our community during these challenging times. Please contact us at if you have ideas for how we can further support your organization.


> CASC Members are supporting families and educators

  • Check out our Science at Home calendar for scheduled programming from across our membership.
  • Visit our At Home With CASC catalogue for links to some exciting content and useful resources for Families and Educators.

> Engaging the public while respecting physical distancing

Science centres and science museums are finding new ways to engage the public in person as re-opening strategies emerge across our country.

Take a drive on the wild side! Tour around the Zoo from the comfort of your car for a 45-minute safari adventure starting May 23, 2020.


> WEBINAR: Reopening Canada: Planning for the Post-Pandemic Recovery Join Canadian Club Toronto May 21, 2020 12:00 pm

Dr. Isaac Bogoch (UHN), Jennifer Keesmaat (Keesmaat Group), Jean McClellan (PwC) and Angus McOuat (McKinsey) will discuss the challenges and opportunities in opening up post COVID-19, continuing to manage the risks, and what parts of our lives will need to be re-imagined as we integrate back into society.

> Call for Panel Proposals for the Canadian Science Policy 2020 Conference. CSPC 2020 will be held virtually through the week of November 16 – 20, 2020.



> Canada Post Community Foundation

The mission of the Canada Post Community Foundation is to make a positive impact on the lives of children in the communities Canada Post serves by supporting registered charities, school programs, or local initiatives that benefit children. Applications must be submitted by May 28, 2020. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding guidelines and apply online.

> NSERC Science Communication Skills Grant

Extended deadline June 15, 2020. The NSERC “Latest News” page lists all the NSERC grant deadlines that have been extended.

> Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) Investment Streams

Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) is a federally funded investment program that helps build digital capacity in Canadian museums and heritage organizations. Funding is available for modest to ambitious bilingual online products with interpreted content and an engaging user experience. Examples of products include virtual exhibits, virtual tours, web-based games, web applications, educational resources, and more. The call for proposals for all 3 investment streams will open on June 17.


Future Skills Centre and OTEC announce rapid response project for hard-hit tourism and hospitality workers. Through the platform, displaced workers will access information about COVID-related government benefits, training, certifications, tourism and hospitality job opportunities, and options to work in jobs in related industries.

Smithsonian offers DIY exhibit: Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World This free, print-on-demand exhibit consists of graphic panels, interactive media, and files for printing 3-D viruses. It can be adapted to a variety of venues, including community centers, libraries, coffee shops, hospitals, transit hubs, museums, and science centers.