April 2, 2020
As we all continue to navigate this rapidly-evolving global situation, CASC is here to support you in advocacy efforts to the Government of Canada, sharing helpful resources, amplifying science communication offerings of our members, and connecting our community.
> The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
On April 1, 2020, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, proposed the new Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. This would provide a 75 per cent wage subsidy to eligible employers for up to 12 weeks, retroactive to March 15, 2020. Details available here.
> CBC Explainer: What you need to know about the new COVID-19 emergency wage subsidy
> Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan Details on support for individuals and businesses.
> COVID-19 Resources Canada Portal
A team of dedicated Canadian scientists and researchers have put together a portal to help locate resources, expertise, reagents and equipment in Canada related to COVID-19. You can also lookup volunteer opportunities.
> Science Centres & Museums Zoom Call
Topic: Supporting Teachers/School Closures Chat
Apr 3, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Here at CASC we are exploring ways to help all CASC members connect with each other for support during the COVID-19 pandemic. A group of CASC member education and programming staff have been meeting up via ZOOM to discuss ways in which CASC members can collectively come together to assist parents and educators with informal STEM engagement while practicing physical isolation at their homes.
An invitation to join the scheduled Friday calls has been extended to all CASC member staff working in programs, education, outreach, camps and childcare. An email with an invitation to the meeting was sent out yesterday (April 1, 2020). Please contact info@casc-accs.com if you did not receive an invitation and would like to join.
> Planning for Your Exhibition in a Crisis – Part 2
COVID-19 Support for Touring Exhibitions & Museums: Video Call – Webinar/Google Hangout
CASC Affiliate Member, Shipping Monster/Storage Monster convened a google hangout discussion last week to specifically address challenges related to travelling exhibitions during the COVID-19 crisis. Their initial discussion included 30 people from across the world and they’ve extended an invitation to CASC members to join the next call.
Wed Apr 8, 2020 2pm – 3pm Eastern Time. Will be hosted every 2 weeks.
An email with the link to the meeting will be sent to sales and exhibition contacts in the CASC network by Monday April 6, 2020. Please contact robert@theshippingmonster.com if you did not receive an invitation and would like to join.
They have also created a LinkedIn Group, COVID-19 Support for Touring Exhibitions & Museums, because of the need to share information, news, and thought knowledge between museums and peers. Join here.
> Future CASC Community Discussions
We’ve heard from numerous members that they’d like CASC to provide access to virtual community discussions so they can connect with peers during this challenging time. CASC is working on launching a variety of scheduled group video chats that will be open to our members including a CEO Forum. These invitations will go out through our contact list. If you have a colleague who has not yet signed up to our newsletter, please share this link with them so that they will receive the invitation to join the group chat.
> CASC Members Helping Health Care Providers
We want to acknowledge and thank CASC members who are helping health care providers face this global pandemic. A few examples of science centres and museums stepping up include:
Donating gloves and other protective gear: Ontario Science Centre donated over 16,000 pairs of gloves and other protective gear to health care workers.
> CASC Members Sharing Online Educational Content: NEW live calendar!
Canadian science centres and science museums are supporting families by offering free online educational content.

We encourage you to share on your social media platforms and with your network using the following #AtHomeWithCASC #ScienceChampions #LookForTheHelpers #ScienceAtHome.
> The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has made online resources for the Junior Astronaut program available to everyone. The registration period for youth to have a chance to win a spot to the CSA Junior Astronaut Camp is extended until April 30, 2020. The CSA also made changes to the process to make it easier for families to run the activities and complete applications. The details can be found on the registration page.
> Astronauts David Saint-Jacques (in French) and Jeremy Hansen (in English) Live YouTube event. Sunday, April 5
Young Canadians can ask questions about space and isolation to astronauts David Saint-Jacques (in French) and Jeremy Hansen (in English). The deadline for youth to send questions for David or Jeremy is this Friday, April 3, at noon (ET). The link will be posted on the CSA’s social media accounts in the coming days.
In English: Twitter Facebook Instagram
In French: Twitter Facebook Instagram
> Canadian Science Policy Centre – Call for Editorials: Response to COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change our lives and policies, CSPC seeks to collect insights from Canadian leaders, both established and emerging; on the long-lasting impacts of this global health challenge. Confirm intent by April 3. First submission deadline: April 17th.
> NSERC Alliance COVID19 Grants
NSERC is providing up to $15 million in total support to stimulate collaborations between academic researchers and the public and not-for-profit sectors, and industry to address pandemic-related research and technical challenges.