We know these are difficult times and there is no doubt that the next while will be challenging for all. As we continue to navigate this rapidly-evolving global situation, CASC is here to support you in advocacy efforts to the Government of Canada, sharing helpful resources, amplifying science communication offerings of our members, and connecting our community.
We will get through this together.
We aim to provide weekly e-newsletters with links to useful resources to help you and your organization navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and provide updates about what CASC and our members are doing.
We are listening – connecting CASC members with each other.
Our office is exploring ways to help CASC members connect with each other for support during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve heard from numerous members that they’d like CASC to provide access to virtual community discussions so they can connect with peers during this challenging time. CASC is working on launching a variety of scheduled group video chats that will be open to our members. These invitations will go out through our contact list. If you have a colleague who has not yet signed up to our newsletter, please share this link with them so that they will receive the invitation to join the group chat.
Advocating for relief funding for our sector and for raising awareness of the critical role our sector can play in science education as many school boards transition to online learning.
Our Board members have already been ‘making the case’ to key decision-makers at the Federal government level, emphasizing the important role science centres and museums play in the cultural fabric of our communities and their local economy. CASC will be providing a statement and briefing documents to key decision-makers in the coming days and weeks.
Sharing your online educational content and analyzing collective impact!
Canadian science centres and science museums are supporting families by offering free online educational content. Our collective impact includes:
- A reach of over 1.35 million accounts on social media, a number that will surely grow over the upcoming weeks and months.
- Families tuning in to your live videos and sharing with their networks.
- Your educational resources getting into the hands of teachers and educators across the country.
- Your pre-recorded demos and programmed live episodes effectively engaging your audience who miss visiting your centre in person.
- See the entire list of content CASC members are sharing with the public here! If we’ve missed something send a note to paquette@casc-accs.com.

CASC Affiliate members are also stepping up and offering their services to our network.
In these challenging times, many companies who serve science centres and museums have offered to support and resources that may be useful to these institutions. Send CASC a note at info@casc-accs.com if you’d like to get your information out to our network.
If there are additional ways that CASC can support you, please do not hesitate to email us directly at info@casc-accs.com.
Economic and financial support
To learn more about Canada’s actions to help Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, refer to Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan.
Canada Public Health Resources
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update
- You can also follow Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, on Twitter at @CPHO_Canada.
#PhysicalDistancingis the new #SocialDistancing!
Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other. Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak. With patience and cooperation, we can all do our part. Click here to learn more.
Think you might have symptoms? Take the self-assessment test!