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Latest News from CASC: AGM Next Week & New CASCADE Awards!


The CASC Board of Directors and staff would like to thank you for attending our first ever virtual conference.

We set a record with 373 registrations!

Over the course of three days, 29 speakers shared their wisdom during 3 live keynote/plenary panels and 9 pre-recorded sessions with live Q&A segments.

We connected with our colleagues during 3 demo breaks and 3 social networking activities.

The conference recordings are available on the virtual platform on demand for anyone who registered.

The conference would not be possible without our conference organizing committee, our program committee volunteers and our dynamic volunteer emcee, Ashley Larose.

We would also like to thank our generous sponsors for their support of the conference. Their financial contributions enable us to keep the registration costs low. We encourage you to work with organizations that support our industry!

We look forward to welcoming you to CASC 2022 next year!

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