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Latest News from CASC: Future Imperfect

February 18, 2021

It’s official, the dates for the CASC 2021 virtual conference are set and soon we’ll be announcing the Call for Session Proposals.

We missed you last year, but we’re planning on making it up with a 3 day single stream lineup of sessions around 4 sub-themes inspired by our overall conference theme: Future Imperfect.


June 1 to 4, 2020: A future imperfect is grounded in less perfection and more authenticity; where risk, experimentation, failure, and resiliency can be portals to discovery and innovation. In the past year, the science centre and science museum sector has faced disruption and has had the courage to evolve – to explore new ways of engaging our audiences, to acknowledge and work towards breaking down systemic barriers, and to play a vital role in supporting people across Canada during a global pandemic. A future imperfect embraces change and makes room for growth.

The CASC 2021 Future Imperfect virtual conference will explore the following sub-themes:

  • Trust in the misinformation age
  • Mind the digital gap
  • Navigating and supporting organizational change
  • Citizen science and innovation

View the full newsletter here.