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Latest News from CASC: Looking forward to 2021!

CASC E-newsletter: December 10, 2020

This past year, CASC staff and its Board of Directors have been working tirelessly to support our sector. We’ve increased our communications and are regularly sharing helpful resources, amplifying science communication offerings of our members, and connecting our community. You can learn more about our ongoing efforts here.

We couldn’t have done it without our members, partners, collaborators, and volunteers. A special thanks to NSERC and Rideau Hall Foundation, key financial sponsors who supported our pivot to engage our community online at our virtual CASCADE Awards CeremonyAnnual General Meeting (AGM) Panel Presentation, and community forums. Our CASC staff also send a heartfelt thanks to Science North and Ontario Science Centres for housing our offices and for their ongoing support.

As we close off 2020 and look to the future, check out this aptly titled CASC session WTF 2020: Canadian perspectives during a time of disruption, which took place at the ASTC 2020 Virtual Conference. This session explored What the Future holds from CASC Member leaders across Canadian Science Centres, Museums, and Zoos.

Wishing you holidays filled with fun and laughter, and very best wishes for a prosperous new year.

View full newsletter here.