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News from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA)

The CSA is happy to announce the publication of their first Announcement of Opportunity (AO) to invest in the development, the delivery and the promotion of activities that engage Canadian youth in space-related initiatives.

The grants provided through this AO will support initiatives relating to STEM and the Moon that contribute to increased awareness, knowledge and/or experience of the space-related disciplines among Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) youth and educators. Priority will be given to projects focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), health, nutrition, lunar rovers missions.

  • Eligible Recipients: Canadian elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions, not-for- profit organizations established and operating in Canada
  • Maximum amount per project: $50,000 for up to 24 months from the grant agreement signature
  • Application deadline: April 30, 2021

After this initial posting, the AO will be reactivated twice a year with deadlines for submission on September 30 and January 30 of every year until 2024. 

This AO and more information on CSA’s grants and contributions can be found on its website.

Another Announcement of Opportunity should be published later this spring for the development of two new Moon-related STEM outreach projects. We encourage you to follow the CSA on social media to stay informed.

Don’t hesitate to contact if you have further questions.