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Okanagan Science Centre looks at inventions based on nature

Humankind likes to think of itself as inventors and innovators, but the truth is Mother Nature has already created it.

A new exhibit at the Okanagan Science Centre opens today that examines how ‘man’s’ great inventions are based on things already found in nature.

Inspiring Nature, Inspired Techno, Biomimicry and Transport opens today.

Carla-Jean Stokes, with the OSC, said the exhibition explores biomimesis – the idea that innovations all around us are inspired by nature.

“Although the word “biomimicry” might not be in everyone’s daily vocabulary, it is visible in our daily lives – such as how the lightweight bones of a bird inspire vehicles’ structure, or how the shape of a kingfisher’s beak was adopted to reduce the noise on high-speed trains,” said Stokes.

Visitors to get up close and personal with the principles of biomimesis through natural specimens, multi-media interactives, experiments and games.

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