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CASC Communities of Practice

CASC’s Communities of Practice are a great way to connect with other CASC members to learn about topics that matter to our community. We invite you to join those that are relevant to you and your work. If you’re not sure which community of practice is best for you, reach out to us at

> Indigenous Practitioners CoP

Dr. Melanie Goodchild will continue to facilitate the Indigenous Practitioners Community of Practice for CASC colleagues who self-identify as First Nations, Inuit and Metis. These gatherings take the form of yarning sessions, a traditional Aboriginal form of conversation from Australia, rooted in narrative storytelling. To register, please fill out this brief form

> Educators and Programmers CoP  

This community is for programming and education staff across the CASC membership. The CoP is a place for sharing, collaboration, and learning. It offers best practices, guidelines, and strategies that lead to quality educational and outreach programming in our science centres, museum’s and outreach organizations. Register here to join the email list, receive monthly meeting invitations, and access to shared resources.

> 2024 Solar Eclipse CoP 

The  2024 Eclipse Community of Practice is for CASC Members interested in running safe and successful eclipse programming during the total solar eclipse which takes place on April 8, 2023. This group will meet once a month from October to April (excluding March). Each meeting will be themed around a different aspect of program planning and implementation with input from invited guests. To find out where you’re situated along the path of the eclipse, click here. Please email Ashley Miller for meeting invitations and access to resources.

> Together Against Misinformation

The spread of scientific mis- and disinformation is a serious threat, and can have a dramatic  influence on people’s choices and behaviour. CASC members and collaborators are highly trusted sources of information and are well positioned to provide interactive, open-ended learning experiences that will help their local communities understand the information landscape, and minimize the spread of misinformation on important topics relevant to their lives.

CASC’s Together Against Misinformation CoP is open to all CASC members and collaborators, and is mandatory for all recipients of the Together Against Misinformation microgrant. These gatherings provide learning and professional development opportunities such as tackling misinformation workshops, critical thinking assessments and program evaluations, and they provide a space for members to share best practices and brainstorm program and event ideas in preparation for the Together Against Misinformation campaign. To join this community of practice, fill out this form. 

> GenAction CoP

The GenAction Community of Practice is for CASC Members interested in climate action programs for youth from K-12. It is open to all CASC Members to attend, and is mandatory for GenAction participating members. Please email to be added to the meeting invitation.

Canadian Association of Science Centres

#1203-130 Albert St. 

Ottawa, ON. K1P 5G4

The CASC office is situated in Robinson Huron Treaty territory and the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. We pay respect to their traditions, ways of knowing and acknowledge their many contributions to the innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Clearly and overtly this gratitude must be demonstrated in our collective commitment to truth and reconciliation, by working to transform existing relationships, with open dialogue, mutual understanding and respectful collaborations

©2022 Canadian Association of Science Centres