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Our communities of practice 

At CASC, Communities of Practice are a familiar model used to bring members of the network together – to ideate, collaborate and collectively have impact on their work to advance STEM learning in Canada. The following Communities of Practice are available for CASC members at all levels:

Educators and Programmers CoP

Meetings: Monthly (Third Tuesday of each month), 3:00 pm EST

The Educators and Programmers CoP was established in 2020. This community is for programming and education staff across the CASC membership. The CoP is a place for sharing, collaboration, and learning. It offers best practices, guidelines, and strategies that lead to quality educational and outreach programming in our science centres, museums and outreach organizations. 

*NEW* National Environmental Learning Leaders CoP

Meetings: Monthly (dates to be confirmed)

Leading ongoing conversations and opportunities for our organizations (Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication – EECOM) to learn from each other and create a stronger informal environmental education sector.

Indigenous CoP

Meetings: Monthly (Second Wednesday of each month), 2:00 pm EST 

The Indigenous CoP is facilitated by Dr. Melanie Goodchild, Anishinaabe systems and complexity thinker and Systems Changer in Residence with CASC. It is a gathering for those in the CASC network who self-identify as First Nations, Inuit and Metis. Together with Dr. Goodchild, participants explore the experience of Indigenous professionals working in the informal science engagement space. These gatherings take the form of yarning sessions, a traditional Aboriginal form of conversation from Australia, rooted in narrative storytelling. 

Want to join a CASC CoP, or have an idea for one?

We’d love to hear from you!