CASC on the Hill for Science Literacy Week

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:10 PM | Deleted user

This Wednesday, Sept 19, CASC is thrilled to be participating in the Prime Minister's Science Fair, featuring 36 youths from across Canada. After a call out to CASC members with an opportunity to participate in this unique event, 11 science centres, science museums and makerspaces responded and will help showcase the importance of informal education and science literacy across Canada.

The goal of the Prime Minister Science Fair is to showcase young innovators who will be the researchers of tomorrow. CASC members will showcase how Science Centres and Science Museums are part of their lives and help in this effort -  highlighting ways that we help increase Canada’s capacity to inspire the next generation to engage with science and to pursue it at school and even as a career. 

During the event the Prime Minister will tour displays of the 11 CASC member organizations and representatives from each institution will take part in a Roundtable discussion with the Minister of Science.

We will be live tweeting the event from @CASC_ACCS on twitter and using the Science Literacy Week hashtag #SciLit.

Organizations (and Twitter handles) who’ll be participating in the event include:

  • Ingenium: Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, Ottawa, ON @IngeniumCa @AgMuseum
  • Ingenium: Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa, ON @IngeniumCa @avspacemuseum
  • Ingenium Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa, ON  @IngeniumCa @SciTechMuseum
  • Montreal Science Centre, Montreal, Qc @centresciences
  • Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, ON @OntScienceCtr
  • Saskatchewan Science Centre, Regina, SK @SkScienceCentre
  • Science North, Sudbury, ON @ScienceNorth
  • Science World British Columbia, Vancouver, BC @scienceworldca
  • STEAMLabs Makerspace, Toronto, ON @STEAM_Labs
  • TELUS World of Science Edmonton, Edmonton, AB @TWoSEdm
  • The Exploration Place Museum & Science Centre, Prince George, BC @ExplorationPG ‏
CASC members play a critical role in creating a robust science culture in Canada.  Please join in on social media on Wednesday and boost your colleagues and our collective efforts.