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  • Tuesday, August 28, 2018 9:45 AM | Deleted user

    Prospective paleontologists have the opportunity to get their hands dirty in the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum’s fossil preparation lab.

    The museum is seeking volunteers to help clean and prepare for preservation fossils of pachyrhinosaurus, a large horned dinosaur which existed in the Late Cretaceous period roughly 70 million years ago. The fossils were collected from the Pipestone Creek bonebed field site.

    “People can volunteer in our fossil preparation lab, and they can do some of this work themselves under supervision of museum staff,” said Derek Larson, the museum’s assistant curator of vertebrate
    paleontology. “They work hands-on with the fossils and it’s a really great experience for people who want to learn about paleontology or just contribute to a museum, or some people find it very relaxing.”

    Since January 2017 when the program launched, approximately 130 fossils have been prepared by volunteers.

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  • Monday, August 20, 2018 9:31 AM | Deleted user

    Patty Hajdu, MP for Thunder Bay- Superior North, and Don Rusnak, MP for Thunder Bay – Rainy River, visited with youth who are participating in four of Science North’s summer science camp programs in Thunder Bay. For over 30 years, Northern Ontario children have benefited from Science North’s summer science camp experiences. During this time, Science North has expanded the reach of its summer science camps, now offered across 36 Northern communities. These camps are designed to spark an interest in science with a unique blend of hands-on and engaging activities.

    Since 1987, Science North has reached 40,000 Northern Ontario children ages 4-13 through the delivery of week-long summer science camp programs. Last summer, Science North reached the highest number of children and communities ever and this summer that number will grow again with an anticipated 3,200 campers across the North. This year, this program offered by Science North in Thunder Bay will see its highest attendance yet, reaching 340 children during 9 weeks of summer science camps. With an increased number of camps being offered, Science North has been able to provide six youth in Thunder Bay with summer employment.

    Science North has a mandate to serve the North and is truly Northern Ontario’s science centre. The organization’s new 2018-23 strategic plan outlines key goals and actions through its priority of Science North in ALL of Northern Ontario, which will enable Science North to continue expanding its presence and service to the North. This includes summer science camps and outreach programs to teachers, students and the public. As well as expanding and deepening engagement with Indigenous audiences, partnerships in communities and at attractions to deliver science experiences.

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  • Thursday, August 16, 2018 11:44 AM | Deleted user

    "Quantum mechanics, the branch of physics that explains the behaviour of subatomic particles, is set to have a significant impact on our everyday lives as quantum computing, quantum encryption and other quantum applications become common place," said Dr. Maurice Bitran, PhD, CEO and Chief Science Officer, Ontario Science Centre. "QUANTUM: The Exhibition provides a great introduction to this fascinating subject that often defies our human-scale intuition. The concurrent exhibition New Eyes on the Universe is the perfect complement. It presents the quest to find missing solar neutrinos, conducted from a mine deep in the Canadian Shield and that led to a Nobel Prize for a Canadian physicist."

    Through creative storytelling and compelling interactives, QUANTUM: The Exhibition examines how quantum mechanics and information technology are merging to create technologies that will revolutionize how we live, work and play. The exhibition introduces visitors to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, demonstrating that at the subatomic scale, things behave very differently from the macroscopic world we know. Building on these basics, QUANTUM: The Exhibition shows how quantum computing is poised to transform computers, digital communications, information security, medicine and geographical exploration.

    "As a global leader in quantum information research, IQC created this exhibition to explain the fundamentals of the field and show how quantum technologies will have tremendous impact on our future," said Kevin Resch, Interim Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo. "And we hope to inspire and spark the imagination of the next generation of quantum scientists, engineers and mathematicians."

    New Eyes on the Universe tells the story of another Canadian-based world leader — this one in particle astrophysics. Produced by Science North on behalf of SNOLAB, an underground science laboratory specializing in neutrino and dark matter physics, this exhibition centres on Canadian Nobel laureate Dr. Arthur McDonald's results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and experiments currently underway at SNOLAB.

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  • Thursday, August 16, 2018 10:26 AM | Deleted user

    The Yukon First Nations New Teacher Orientation program was made available this year to all new teachers and administrators.

    Some at the workshop are new to Yukon. Others have years of experience already. 

    Sarah Aasman has more than a decade of experience working as a substitute teacher, but attended the workshop because she's starting as a full-time contracted teacher in Grade 2 at Christ the King Elementary in Whitehorse.

    "I like how [the new curriculum] is allowing us to be more project-based and experiential," she said. "There's integration between the subjects rather than having the subjects be separate. We can mix the science and First Nations [content] and math and do more integrative projects."

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  • Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:22 AM | Deleted user

    After three years of relative inactivity at the Timmins Stratospheric Balloon Base, the scientists from the Canadian and French space agencies are back to conduct a number of launches over the next few weeks.

    For the first time, an outreach program is being offered by the base to youths who have a keen interest in science.

    The program is being coordinated through Science Timmins.

    It is free but, because of limited space, they are only accepting up to 30 youths between the ages of 12 and 17 who will be invited to an open house and workshop held on Thursday, Aug. 23 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Timmins Stratospheric Balloon Base located at 600 Hangar Road., which is adjacent to the Victor M. Power Airport.

    Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the Canadian Space Agency’s activities including its stratospheric balloon campaigns conducted in Timmins.

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  • Monday, August 13, 2018 12:20 PM | Deleted user

    The Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) is launching a national consultation to reinvigorate Canada’s support for science and to position Canada as a global leader in research excellence.

    The vision for the future of Canada's research landscape is a bold, world-leading and highly coordinated system of federal support for science—a system that contributes to the social and economic well-being of Canadians.

    This is an opportunity for Canadians, the research community and the next generation of scientists, scholars and students to help shape research in Canada.

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  • Friday, August 10, 2018 2:09 PM | Deleted user

    Gender diversity drives innovation, bolsters research, and strengthens the science and technology workforce.

    EGEST will feature keynote presentations by world-class scholars on cutting-edge research. These speakers include Katherine Phillips, Andrei Cimpian, Amanda Diekman, Corinne Moss-Racusin, and Carla Fehr. Panels will engage leaders in industry and education to discuss strategies for fostering diversity within their organizations. Participants will come away with new knowledge and partnerships to strengthen gender equity in science and technology.

    EGEST will take place in Federation Hall at the University of Waterloo on September 20, 2018.

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  • Wednesday, August 08, 2018 10:34 AM | Deleted user

    On August 9th, 2018, join the Association of Science-Technology Centres (ASTC) as they host a webinar on ISCSMD.

    The presentation will focus on:

    • ISCSMD’s theme: UN Sustainable Development Goals; and sub-theme: “Science, a Human Right".

    • How to participate; what simple actions can be taken immediately?

    • An overview of tools available on the website for everyone to utilize.

    • The next steps towards November 10th, 2018.

    You can register with one of two sessions or join both.

    Session 1: August 9, 2018 - 6:00am ET or 10:00am UTC/GMT

    Session 2: August 9, 2018 - 4.00pm ET or 8:00pm UTC/GMT

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    The International Science Center and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD) is a yearly, global event illustrating the impact and reach of all the world’s science centres and science museums.

    These worldwide institutions take the opportunity of this day to celebrate and promote their missions through widely diverse informal science education and engagement activities addressing the critical topics articulated in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the world’s nations in late 2015.

    The day is also a reminder to all about the universality of science and its capacity to build bridges across geographical, cultural, and religious boundaries while addressing common concerns.

  • Wednesday, August 08, 2018 10:32 AM | Deleted user

    Is promoting science your passion? Take advantage of the following great opportunities from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

    Nominate an individual or a group for an NSERC Award for Science Promotion. The nomination deadline is November 25, 2018.

    Apply for an NSERC PromoScience Grant. The application deadline is September 15, 2018.

    NSERC invites applications that promote the natural sciences and engineering to Canada's young people, particularly to groups such as girls and Indigenous peoples that are under-represented in scientific and engineering careers. A targeted call continues for applications that focus on resources, tools and professional development for teachers.

    New this year: NSERC has expanded the eligibility to include activities that will encourage Indigenous undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies in the natural sciences and engineering, and has lifted the departmental restriction on multiple awards for post-secondary institutions.

  • Wednesday, August 08, 2018 10:28 AM | Deleted user

    Create online products with the support of the Virtual Exhibits investment program of the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC).

    If you are an eligible museum or heritage organization, you could receive an investment to develop a medium- to large-scale project.

    The 2018 Call for Proposals is now open. The deadline to submit a proposal is October 24.

Canadian Association of Science Centres

#1203-130 Albert St. 

Ottawa, ON. K1P 5G4

The CASC office is situated in Robinson Huron Treaty territory and the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. We pay respect to their traditions, ways of knowing and acknowledge their many contributions to the innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Clearly and overtly this gratitude must be demonstrated in our collective commitment to truth and reconciliation, by working to transform existing relationships, with open dialogue, mutual understanding and respectful collaborations

©2022 Canadian Association of Science Centres