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Stay up to date with the latest news and events from CASC.

  • Latest News from CASC: Future Imperfect

    February 18, 2021 It’s official, the dates for the CASC 2021 virtual conference are set and soon we’ll be announcing the Call for Session Proposals. We missed you last year, but we’re planning on making it up with a 3 day single stream lineup of sessions around 4 sub-themes inspired by our overall conference theme:…

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  • Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier is asking for your help to identify young Canadian inventors (aged 13 to 24) for their Jeunes inventeurs (young inventors) travelling exhibition.

    Calling upon everyone, The Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier in Valcourt, Quebec, is currently working to organize the Jeunes inventeurs (young inventors) travelling temporary exhibition that will be introduced in the spring of 2022, marking the 100th anniversary of Joseph-Armand Bombardier’s “first invention.” On New Year’s Eve 1922, at the age of 15, he tested his first…

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  • How Canada’s science centres are fighting COVID-19 misinformation

    Using the hashtag #ScienceUpFirst, a coalition of groups that includes the Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC), COVID-19 Resources Canada and the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta, is circulating its own information that is being carefully vetted by scientists. The focus is on presenting “accessible, shareable, accurate and trustworthy” information – primarily…

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  • The Canadian Association of Science Centres joined forces with other groups to launch #ScienceUpFirst

    With misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccination running rampant in multiple countries, many organizations are also seeing bad information circulate in their own realm and wondering how to stop it. The Canadian Association of Science Centres realized that communication could be its tool in the fight against this insidious problem. “The World Health Organization has declared…

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  • Latest News from CASC: Together Against Misinformation initiative!

    CASC E-newsletter: January 28, 2021 CASC is proud to be a partner in the #ScienceUpFirst: Together Against Misinformation initiative! #ScienceUpFirst is a digital awareness and engagement campaign that will flood and disrupt social media, in an effort to debunk misinformation, and amplify best-in-class science-based content. View full newsletter here.

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  • NEW PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: #ScienceUpFirst – Join us as we tackle misinformation together!

    NEW PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT! The Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) is thrilled to announce we are a partner of the #ScienceUpFirst initiative. We know science centres/museums have already been doing great work around COVID-19 science communication. We’re so proud that our members can be part of this! Our goal is to put science first before misinformation…

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  • Latest News from CASC: Looking forward to 2021!

    CASC E-newsletter: December 10, 2020 This past year, CASC staff and its Board of Directors have been working tirelessly to support our sector. We’ve increased our communications and are regularly sharing helpful resources, amplifying science communication offerings of our members, and connecting our community. You can learn more about our ongoing efforts here. We couldn’t have…

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  • Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation has acquired water that is more than a billion years old!

    OTTAWA — A bottle of water more than a billion years old is now stored in Ottawa. Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation has acquired a water sample collected 2.4 kilometres below the earth’s surface from the Kidd Creek Mine, near Timmins, Ont. University of Toronto geologist Dr. Barbara Sherwood Lollar discovered the…

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  • Latest News from CASC: Keeping you informed.

    CASC E-newsletter: November 12, 2020 Latest News from CASC: Keeping you informed. CASC continues to advocate for the science centre and science museum sector. We are committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date information to help organizations navigate a changing landscape.

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